
What About The MuslimoNaziLesbi-Enviro-Industrial Complex?
By: Mark W Adams

I may have to rethink my whole, "Hillary's great and all . . . BUT" stance. When the ever creepy Michael Reagan goes through the same laundry list of negatives that always concerned me, and piles on with even more of the crap the wingers intend to hurl at her in an effort to sway . . . me . . . to Leave Hillary Alone (al la Britany) -- I'm moved to the point of sticking out my chest and saying, "Bring it, Asshole."

The thought that rabid hatemongers like Reagan would be even more deranged if a true progressive got in as opposed to a centrist like Hillary is simply delightful.

All is forgiven Dennis, you can come back and play. But remember, don't attack Hillary for the Travel Office non-scandal or accuse her of murdering Vince Foster. And for goodness sake, don't EVEN mention Teh Clenis! The folks at Town Hall are reserving all that Bull Crap for their own entertainment. (Original they are not.)

(And I'm pretty sure Petulant Pammy has copyrighted the IslamoLesbian rumor for herself.)

Actually, the suggestion of a Blogtopian cease-fire on Hillary bashing has a certain appeal, as long as we leave that kind of thing to the professionals. But what fun is that?