
Go Away Dennis
By: Mark W Adams

Long ago, Dennis Kucinich made my list of people I really didn't care to share a beer with. I know this because I didn't get up from my table at the campus bar I was drinking at to join him when he walked in one afternoon back in the early Eighties.

Love your ideas, your policy initiatives, your principles. But you are a joke. Get off the stage. Adults are trying to elect the leader of the free world here. You can't rant about the obvious psychosis of George W. Bush and talk about UFO gazing with Shirley McClain in the space of one news cycle.

Go Away. We'll all miss that Red-Head you hang with, but if it's all the same to you, just go away.

1 Comment:

Ara said...

A couple of thoughts:

Every time Kucinich appears on TV at a debate, my blog traffic sees a significant spike -- primarily from people viewing my very brief post entitled, Holy Crap! Have You Seen Kucinich's Wife?!. I'm just saying.

If Kucinich goes, then Biden should go too. Neither one has any support, has raised any money, nor have they had a significant impact on the contest.

Lastly, Kucinich might have talked about UFOs but it was Bill Richardson who called for the government to release the files on the "incident" at Roswell, NM in July 1947. I kid you not.