
Decider's Not A War Criminal Until He Decides He Is
By: Mark W Adams

Fuck the Rude Pundit. You don't need to read the whole damn secret torture story in the Times. It's just a matter of minutes before the Gray Lady once again is denounced as traitors by the absurd narcissists, bed wetters and sociopaths on the right for besmirching the integrity of poor little Gonzo and his genius of a boss.

The Rude One tells you all you need to know so you don't have to read the goddamn Times. I don't care if he does tell you to read the Times. If you do read the Times, the terrorists win, so . . . fuck him. Read the blogs.

But don't bother with any of the usual suspects in Wingnuttystan. All is quiet on the right front. Not even they can run with this silly talking point...
QUESTION: You maintain that the administration still does not torture?
PERINO: Correct....

QUESTION: But is it not possible that some of these classified opinions may have changed the definition of "torture"?

PERINO: No. I don't believe so. I have not seen them. But as everything was described to me, no, I don't believe that's possible....

QUESTION: But the idea that you can't discuss it and that you blanketly say there's no torture when, clearly, in the Department of Justice there has been a debate about if those techniques were too severe ... and to simply say there's no torture, but then to never provide any insight as to what the limitations are, with the exception of death or organ failure ...

PERINO: I'm not disputing that there can be legal disagreements between reasonable people who may look at something one way and another person looks at it in another way. I'm not disputing that. What I am saying is that we do not torture, and I disagree with the notion that just because information is leaked or provided to The New York Times or any other news organization that this country should ... that this government should then have to spell out any specifics. And I'm not confirming or denying anything that you just listed ... all the ones that you just listed.

QUESTION: How can you say that ... how can you say with assurance that we don't torture if you don't know what was in the ...

PERINO: Because we follow the law.
Which is . . . (Okay, get a grip and stop laughing. Pay attention dammit.) . . . which is anything the PrezNitWit says the law is.

Got it?

If you can't resist actually going to the source and reading the fucking Times, remember . . . Bush and the Chamber of Secret Horrors is not fiction. This is not a Halloween story. Sullivan demands, "We have war criminals in the White House. What are we going to do about it?"

Well Andy, we're going to (wait for it) . . . Hold Hearings!! Demand Documents!!! Teach our ChildrenZ how to behave!!! (Huh?)

What won't happen is any sort of impeachment proceedure for this or anything else. Not even a tough day for the new Attorney General designee.

Don't let them get away with it? Hell, they already did.

1 Comment:

Ara said...

What did you expect? Wax Man couldn't even get Harriet Miers to submit to a freaking subpoena.