
Obama Stabs Self In The Chest.
By: Mark W Adams

I get it, just as I got (and approved) of Kerry and his medals/ribbons (whatever, oh god let's not rehash that one). It's a statement. Barack decided that an American Flag lapel pin is a poor substitute for real patriotism.

ABC News annouces the beginning of chest thumping season.

Red Meat is on the menu at Kiddy Corner, PJ Media, LGF, Pam Atlas, Mean Eugene, InstaLinker, The Wonkettes, and The Malkinator all have piled on. Not to be left out, Pantload put his two cents in at The Corner too. Stop the ACLU and some guy named The Rogue Jew at BlogWonks stopped just short of calling Obama a surrender monkey.

I'm sorry, I do really like him. We could do so much worse. But Barack's just too nice to play in the horrible game a run for the presidency has become. He might as well ask John Edwards for the number of his barber and be done with it.

They will not let this go. He will be defending and explaining this until his ears bleed, all to no avail. The people that "want to know" really are just looking to distract from anything of subtance he might want to talk about, and highlight the inane symbolism that smacks of something Joe Sixpack will remember -- Obama diss'd the flag.

Hillary pissed me off when she wrapped herself in the flag, the move of a true political hack. But she knew what she was doing. Obama has zero appreciation of how small minded the opposition party is, how petty, or how their stupid appeals to their lizard brained followers operate.

Do you think the conservatives keep up with the vacuous banalities because it amuses them? No, they do it because pandering to the lowest common denominator while instilling fear and promoting prejudice works. This is their bread-n-butter.