While the Founder's site, has been taking on the more high profile American Fascists, like Il-RuDolph, pictured left with Der Fooler at the last inauguration ball he'll ever be invited to, I've been busy hunting down the more insidious ones going after our innocent children.
That's right, now the Reich Wing has declared Jihad against Nickelodeon, Hasbro Toys and Nerf. Yes, Nerf. The weapons supplier known throughout the Democratic Underground as the exclusive supplier of Nerf balls, Nerf flying discs, and Nerf Guns!!
It is well known that if Terrier-ists soak these otherwise deceptive projectiles with pepper, baking soda and an assortment of Mentos, then fling them at a tub of Pepsi -- all hell could break loose.
Nickelodeon is the new training ground for leftist propaganda.Folks, if I could make this up, I'd be writing sci/fi. But if I can track down any graft from that illicit weapons supplier, Nerf, bribing Dennis Kucinich to keep mum on the ufo thingy, I'm on my way to my first Pulizer. Could you imagine the damage a Nerf Bomb could do?
Amazing. You really must watch this video.
My guess is, you will no longer want your children watching Nickelodeon. I am also guessing Nickelodeon paying sponsers eg: of 2 I saw while watching this clip Nerf gun. Hey Nerf, Nickelodeon thinks guns are evil.
I just have to beat Malkin to the parking garage to meet . . . never mind, there's no way she'd be associated with anything to do with Deep Throat. That Pulizer is mine! Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage could learn a thing from this lady. (Choke on it Michelle.)
Tuesday, the Mastermind behind Domestic Fascism Awareness Week, Blogenfreude, took us on is a trip down memory lane documenting the "enemy's list" put together by Senator Joe, detailing all the unpatriotic things all the 5th columnists said in a particularly unAmerican way.
Oh, and that's Joe Lieberman, not McCarthy. (Not to be confused with either Lenin or Lennon and McCartney -- or Charlie McCarthy.)
Wednesday, the search is on for Giuliani's meds. It's a consensus diagnosis, and a specialist in conservative crapweasleness has been called in to supervise Rudy's treatment. I think he's beyond medical science, unless your name is Dr. Frankenstein, and he just needs to be put in heavy restraints.
"Hillary and Obama are kind of debating whether to invite them to the inauguration or the inaugural ball," [referring to Ahmadinejad and bin Laden]It's a shame too. Judy Giuliani has been practicing her Fox (News) Trot. No. Ball. For. You!
Also, beware kids, there's an ex-patriot in our midst -- and he must be caught and tattooed appropriately. Balloon Juice's John Cole is not just an ex-fascistRepublican, but now he's a card-carrying registered Democrat. (Rumors that this had one goddamn thing to do with Karen Hughes leaving the Bush Administration as part of an immunity deal and Cole's placement in witness protection are highly suspect, cuz he's never been proven to be a Blackwater scout.)
And even in the Democratic debate you need to be on guard for Domestic Fascists. In Tuesday's debate (a.k.a. Hillary mugging) for all the banality Timmeh! can bring to the proceedings -- U.F.O. sightings notwithstanding -- the glaring lack of any question in any debate to date (or that you will ever see) regarding media ownership concentration or the Fairness Doctrine shows that corporatism, that uniquely American version of fascism is alive and well.