
New Years Drink Recipe
By: Mark W Adams

Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster

Zaphod is the inventor of the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, a cocktail based on Janx Spirit. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gives the recipe as follows:

"Take the juice from one bottle of that Ol' Janx Spirit.
Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V
Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzene is lost).
Allow four litres of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it (in
memory of all those happy Hikers who have died of pleasure in the
Marshes of Fallia).
Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin
Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark
Qualactin Zones.
Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Watch it dissolve,
spreading the fires of the Algolian suns deep into the heart of the
Sprinkle Zamphour.
Add an olive.
Drink...but very carefully."

Real versions of the drink have been made available at some stage shows of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as well as bars such as Zaphod Beeblebrox in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Recipes for these "Earth versions" can be found at Wikibooks[3]. In an interview,[4]
Douglas Adams stated that there are a number of environmental and
weapons treaties, as well as laws of physics which prevent the Pan
Galactic Gargle Blaster from being mixed on Earth.