
Sux 2 B U.
By: Mark W Adams

It must suck to be a Democratic Party Leader, or a politician of any kind. Always having to answer to a demanding constituency.

Especially when the answer is, "No."

Ryan Grim has penned one of the more informative articles I've seen at Politico.com. It starts with some straight reporting on the tightrope walked by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as he tries to court enough Republican lawmakers to make a go at ending the war without making them look like RINO's, and still appeasing the anti-war activist enough to keep them from making life hell for Dems in vulnerable districts.

Don't forget to glance at the graph and bullet points he links for a quick rundown of who the activists are and how they're organized.

Actual reporting with insightful analysis. Who'd a thunk we'd see that from the outfit that covered John Edwards hair like a cable news channel with a scoop that Paris Hilton was going to pay O.J.'s bail.

It's a fairly simple equation if you ask me ... and you should. We keep up the pressure on the Blue Dogs, and bury the GOP in their own fecal matter until they break with the PreNitWit and his band of Ayn Rand misanthropes once and for all. Continuing to play Bush's game is just plain stupid. It's that or accept a protracted conflict that will suck us dry, and maybe even get us into a real war with a country that we didn't spend 10 years bombing and embargoing.

Every little sign of weakness emboldens Bush and his pet warmonger in the Vice President's office. If this keeps up, refereeing Iraq's civil war will seem like the good old days if we go to war with a country that has three times the population, seven times the GDP, and is strategically positioned to bottle up all that crude running through the Straights of Hormuz long enough to make you consider pouring 12 year old scotch in your gas tank than burn through a weeks salary filling up your SUV.

Iran, unlike Iraq isn't some fictional amalgam of tribes drawn up on a map that we're trying to artificially regroup. They've been a united people before Rome overthrew Carthage. Iraq was just another province of other people's empires, the Persians, the Mongols, the Ottomans and finally the British, until 1932. If we actually are crazed enough to put ground troops in Iran, we won't have the convenience of watching the natives blow each other up. They will act as the unified people they are -- and kick our imperialist asses out of their country, and Iraq too -- one way or another (unless of course we go nuclear, god help us). We'd do the same to any invader brazen enough to plant their boots on our territory, and we're the most ethnically diverse nation on the planet. Do. Not. Underestimate. Iran. (or the perfidy of Bush's New World Order).

So now that the stakes are clear, we must keep the pressure on those in Washington who will still listen, who in some way or another are still responsive to the democratic traditions this country used to stand for. The pressure seems to be working, at least on some Democrats. Folks like Zack Space (D-OH-18) should take heed, especially when even some GOP Members of Congress have given into the logic and morality of ending our involvement in the Iraq fiasco and the march towards war with Iran sooner rather than later.