
Why I'm Right And You Are Sometimes Wrong
By: Mark W Adams

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
--Douglas Adams
Yes boys and girls in love with all things wiki -- there is a wikiquote.org for your amusement. It's a wonderful new place to waste time looking up Epitaphs - Holidays - Last words - Misquotations - Mnemonics - Proverbs - Slogans - Tongue twisters and of course, the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

If you don't go there and check it out immediately, some anti-science Bush Administration tool will go there and erase this kind of insightful dialog on the future of the past...
Lister: Look, it hasn't has happened HAS happened! It's only has have GOING to have happened... happened.
Rimmer: Poppycock. It has have going to have happened. It is going to have been happening. It will be was an event that could will have been taken place in the future. Simple as that.
Lister: Says you!
Rimmer: Says me and Albert Einstein!