
I Take It Back, She Is Done
By: Mark W Adams

The Tea Leaves?
NBC News reported the New York senator had cancelled morning television appearance and all public appearances on Wednesday.

The night before John Edwards called it quits he was still making speeches and rallying the troops, the volunteers were still working hard at assigned tasked and most of the campaign staff didn't have a clue that the sudden unexplained cancellation of the event scheduled for the next day should have told us the jig was up.

Now she's gone back to Washington to meet with Super Delegates and the party leadership where, like well meaning heads of the family will chart out the future for their chosen Golden Child and figure out how to help Barack Obama become the next President of the United States of American and end our long NeoCon nightmare (Thank whatever diety you may or may not honor).
The New York senator was upbeat but conciliatory Tuesday as she addressed supporters in Indianapolis.

"I can assure you, as I have said on many occasions, that no matter what happens, I will work for the nominee of the Democratic Party, because we must win in November," she said, even while vowing to continue the race.

Obama celebrated his North Carolina victory by sounding like an eventual nominee.

"Tonight," Obama said, "many of the pundits have suggested that this party is inalterably divided; that Senator Clinton's supporters will not support me, and that my supporters will not support her. Well, I'm here tonight to tell you that I don't believe it."

She's thrown everything she had at Obama, and he's stronger for it. She doesn't have anything left, and no money to do any more damage. For all that, she ends up the evening losing North Carolina and tying Indiana, a net loser in both delegates and popular votes in two big States that were really her last hope.

After Pennsylvania, the narrative coming from Camp Clinton was why can't he close the deal. Now, the reality is nothing, not even a "nuclear option" can stop him.

1 Comment:

Scott said...

"She's thrown everything she had at Obama, and he's stronger for it."

Exactly right. Conventional wisdom holds that the protracted primary hurts the Dems. The way I see it, our inevitable nominee gets much-needed sparring time -- responding to attacks, practicing damage control when unexpected events happen, shaping his message, recovering from stumbles, etc. At the same time, Obama is raising tons of cash and building effective campaign organizations in every state.

On my view, the way this primary has unfolded puts Obama in a better position to win in November.