
No One Anticipated
By: Mark W Adams

Where have we heard this before?

Long story, short: McCain's lobbyist campaign manager facilitated a merger that could very well cost Ohio (already suffering devastating job losses throughout the Bush years) another 8,600 jobs if (and when) the freight company DHL shuts down its Wilmington, Ohio air hub.

If they don't shut down the hub, it's probably a safe bet that the bad news for the folks in Wilmington will only be delayed ... conveniently until after November's election.
So union leaders are making it an issue that McCain's guy took $185,000 in lobbying fees to encourage this development. Meanwhile, the McCain campaign is telling the Cleveland Plain-Dealer that "[a]t the time of the merger, no one anticipated an impact on jobs in Wilmington." The Original Maverick finds himself in town today, reassuring folks, in a private meeting, that he cares about job losses. Last month, when a told a distressed Ohio woman, asked him to hold Senate hearings on the downsizing, that he'd give her "straight talk" on the issue, which came in the form of saying he wasn't sure if he could do anything about it.
Sounds familiar, no?

Condoleezza Rice: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile - a hijacked airplane as a missile."

Dick Cheney: "I guess if I look back on it now, I don’t think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we have encountered."

Don Rumsfeld: "Well, I think that anyone who looks at it with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight has to say that there was not an anticipation that the level of insurgency would be anything approximating what it is."

More Cheney: "We didn't anticipate . . . the devastation that 30 years of Saddam's rule had wrought, if you will, on the psychology of the Iraqi people."

George Bush
: "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."

Four more years of this? Are you frickin' kidding me? McCain and Company promise to give us nothing more than government they purposely contrive to make dysfunctional and offer nothing but lame excuses when everything goes to hell.

When you put people in charge of government that don't believe government can effectively solve problems, but rather think government itself is the problem -- ineffective government is a feature, not a bug of conservative rule.

And not to put too fine an edge on it, but John McCain and everyone who works for him damn well ought to be putting the concerns of American Workers first, every day, 24/7, and have a record of that kind of public service. That's the job, and they blow it daily.

Rick Davis, the lobbyist/McCain campaign CEO, worked in Reagan's White House, worked on Bob Dole's presidential campaign and ran John McCain's Campaign Reform Institute until '05 when he started working to get McCain elected president. His goal, his raison de entre besides winning elections, is schmoozing and smoothing the way for multimillionaire heads of multinational corporation to meet the politically powerful -- and cutting deals.

Nothing wrong with that, making deals and taking a cut of the action. Hell, that's the American way, and it beats working for a living. But parasites like this should not be making policy in this country, and if McCain wins, Rick Davis will be one of his go to guys when he should be one of the first guys to go. I mean, come on. You don't think Grampy McSame can come up with anything original himself, do you? You know it will be the guys who are more comfortable looking out for campaign contributors and not the people writing up the McCain Doctrine.

So on that GOP campaign strategy of trying to paint Obama as a job killer, good luck with that.

Oh, and that scare tactic they're pushing that Obama will let the MuslimoNazi-Mexican-Kenyan axis take over and teach our children to become married gay atheists, good luck with that too.


Anonymous said...

So, since government is the solution in this case, what should government do to make DHL provide jobs that it doesn't obviously want to?

Mark W Adams said...

Ahh, there's some typical corporatist claptrap.

1) Allow lack of regulation and failure of Congressional oversight to make a company ripe to be picked off by foreign corporate raiders.
2) Facilitate the piracy by cozying up to a certain Arizona Senator who trusts his lobbyist pals paid to make the deal instead of attempting any due diligence or contemplating the consequences to anyone other than shareholders and the executives involved.
3) Watch the whole enterprise go to shit, catching hell when constituents call their representative on the carpet for looking out for everyone else's interests besides those they were elected to watch out for.
4) Tell those who never would have let it happen in the first place that it's their problem.

In our system, the primary legal distinction between a "person" and a "citizen" is the right to select leaders represent them. Our corporate dominated campaign system not only puts companies on the same footing as voters, but gives them a disproportionate share of political power when they shouldn't have any in theory.

Solutions? It's probably too late to fix DHL. But reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine and public financing of campaigns would help preventing future DHLs.

Preventing foreign ownership of transportation and communication companies might be something we look in to. We used to have a cabinet level official overseeing services DHL supplies but the Postmaster General has gone the way of privatization.

DHL is a symptom of the problem which goes far deeper than just another deal that makes a few people more money and leaves another Ohio community devastated. It may, however, be the last straw.