
Abu Ghraib, Rehabilitating Our Disgrace
By: Mark W Adams

This quotation jumped out at me from Alissa J. Rubin's New York Times article today.
"The Americans are better than Ministry of Interior prisons. They will torture you. Maybe you will die. With the Americans, if you enter Abu Ghraib, they will only wage psychological war on you."
MAHMOUD ABU DUMOUR, A former detainee, on the thousands of American detainees who are set to be turned over to the Iraqi government.
What's clear from the story is that we are light years away from anything resembling a Jeffersonian Democracy there, complete with quaint notions of due process and the like -- and the bar has set so dismally low by our criminal contempt for international norms (let alone our own values), we've created an incubator for extremism inside the prison system's 21,000 person population that we only now are beginning to address.

"Jihadi University" is what they call the American prison system in Iraq. Perfect. There is so much to clean up after 8 years of Bush/Cheney, we don't need a new president as much as we need a janitor.