
The Art of the Media Takedown
By: shep

by shep

Considering the people he went after, Elliot Spitzer painted one giant target on his back. The uber-rich never forgive or forget; they get even. Once you’ve sold your soul, “the game” is all that’s left. So I can’t speak much for the wisdom the Governor showed getting caught with his pants down because there was no there there (wisdom, I mean, I have no knowledge of what’s in Spitzer’s pants).

But, (listen up, Blitzer) having sex with prostitute isn’t:

1) “being involved in a prostitution ring”

2) any of the public’s business, just because he’s a public official


3) unethical.

He had sex and he paid for it. Sad but, considering our puritanical, repressed and otherwise backward attitudes toward the perfectly normal and healthy (and quite fun I might add) act of having sex with another person (I do have some standards), it is totally understandable. And, unlike many gasbags in the media and on the political right, he was never self-righteous and hypocritical about sex.

On the other hand, what the whores in the media sell and what they sell it for is a completely different and a completely shameful matter.

[Cross-posted at E Pluribus Unum]