
Other Than The Occasional Hooker
By: Mark W Adams

Just how many jobs do you think Dick Morris ever created?
The draconian tax increases on the segment of the population that pays most of the taxes, generates most of the jobs, employs most of the workforce, and accounts for much of the consumer spending will chill whatever small warmth the stimulus package can generate.
This guy needs to join Karl Rove on a long vacation to the other end of the world.  Preferably without internet access. 

Together they make up the world's worst political consulting gurus.  If the idea that you get paid what you are worth is at all valid, that there is any semblance of merit within our system, neither one would be complaining that they aren't part of the 95% of Americans who will get a tax cut because they make too much money.

Sad to think that there are so many equally deluded conservatives roaming Washington DC who will never get the chance to get paid to write nonsensical prose -- almost.