Logging all of the nicknames for the Resident and Thief in one place.
Here's a sample of just one comment out of 972 from rightiswrong:
Oh yeah... A shrub burn-in' (51+ / 0-)
My favorite pastime!
Throw another log on the fire, cook me up some bacon and some beans!
Chuckles McDrinky
Chokey McPretzel
Bumblefuck Brainboy
King Midas of the Kingdom of Shit
Smirky Bushmonkey
Simian in Chief
Dr. Zeaus
Bonzo Junior
George the Aggression Monkey
Fart in a Flightsuit
President Primate
The Idiot Iraqerator
Bubble Boy
Cheney's Hand Held Presidential Puppet
Laura's Lawn Ornament (let's not discuss her hood ornament)
The Deciderator
The Chimperor
The Chimperererator
The Missing Link
The Connecticut Cocaine CowboyHuckabee's Brain
The Downing Street Dope
Sixteen words, Sixteen IQ
Rove's Appendix
The Satan of Stupid
The Butcher of Baghdad
The Compassionate Cretin
Adolph AssholeAnd my very favorite:
Former President George W. Bush