.For those of you still paying attention, I needn't remind you that the undelivered speech Condi Rice was to give on the ill-fated morning of Sept. 11, 2001, (initially classified to protect the embarassed) was revealed to be a complaint that we were not doing enough to build a missile defense shield, instead of wasting twice as much money on counter-terrorism.
U.S. Ballistic Missile Intercept Test Fails
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011A test last week of next-generation ballistic missile intercept technology ended unsuccessfully, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency said (see GSN, March 31).
A mock short-range ballistic missile was fired at 3:53 a.m. local time on Thursday from the Pacific Missile Range Facility on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. A minute-and-a-half later, a Standard Missile 3 Block 1B interceptor was launched from the USS Lake Erie to take down the target. However, no intercept took place.
The SM-3 1B interceptor had not previously undergone a flight trial. The agency said in a press release it would carry out a thorough assessment to identify why the test failed.
You don't hear as much about Ronny Ray-Gun's SDI anymore. No doubt because the Homeland Security Industrial Scaremongering Complex has supplanted that boondoggle as the preferred cash cow of the Oligarchs.
To be clear, Condi was complaining we were spending more on anti-terrorism than missile defense. She would have delivered that complaint had they blew up the World Trade Center and Pentagon a few hours later in the day.
She remains a vile, ignorant, handmaiden of Lucifer.
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