
Next: Balloon Boy Pilots Air Force One.
By: Mark W Adams


More brazen than Jeff/Jim Gannon/Gluckert on a day pass taking a nap in the Lincoln Bedroom.  Check out these fame whores. 
White House Party Crashers Are Awesome, Sad
from Gawker by Adrian Chen

Did you hear about this DC couple that crashed Obama's first state dinner last night? Michaele and Tareq Salahi—aspiring reality show stars, bedeviled vintners, polo enthusiasts and lawsuit magnets: You inspire and sadden us in almost equal measure.

No doubt in the coming weeks/months we'll know everything about these two from their stance on Afghanistan to Bailouts to Michele Obama's taste in clothes.  (Okay, Ms. Salahi's dress is fabulous, so maybe they've got some expertise there.) 

No doubt soon they'll join the reality-star galaxy of celebrity policy makers in the infotainment driven, government-as-a-sporting-event culture.  Let's just hope they've got more on the ball than Carrie Prejean, Joe The Plumber, and their fearless fame-whore leader, Sarah Palin.