I kid you not. The 2nd Family Baptist Church here in the Glass City is using the Theme from Cheers in a local TV spot to help build the congregation: ♫ "You wanna go where everybody knows your name." ♪♪
I've mentioned before that the ratio of Churches to Bars in this town is out of whack. In fact a great deal of the churches look like they used to be bars, but this is just weird.
Imagine going to a new church for the very first time ... especially if you haven't been inside one for a bit. You start to look for a seat and everyone in the pews turns around and shouts, "Norm!"
Double the freak out if your name actually is Norm.

I've mentioned before that the ratio of Churches to Bars in this town is out of whack. In fact a great deal of the churches look like they used to be bars, but this is just weird.
Imagine going to a new church for the very first time ... especially if you haven't been inside one for a bit. You start to look for a seat and everyone in the pews turns around and shouts, "Norm!"
Double the freak out if your name actually is Norm.