Cleveland Cavaliers' newest cheerleader.
Exposing the lack of compassion by conservatives and
debunking right wing hypocrisy at every opportunity.
Be excellent to each other and Party On, Dudes -Abraham Lincoln-
Intellectual freedom is the only guarantee of a scientific - democratic approach to politics, economic development, and culture. -Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov-
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin-
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Role Models |
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@persiankiwi has gone silent |
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Public Option Will Complement, Not Compete |
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The Eyes Roll Back And The Sea Goes Red |
America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion. The old American virtues have already been eaten away by cosmopolitans and intellectuals; the old competitive capitalism has been gradually undermined by socialistic and communistic schemers; the old national security and independence have been destroyed by treasonous plots, having as their most powerful agents not merely outsiders and foreigners as of old but major statesmen who are at the very centers of American power. Their predecessors had discovered conspiracies; the modern radical right finds conspiracy to be betrayal from on high.P.S. Hey Steve. Palin should stay "above the fray?" You're hilarious dude. How would she get any airtime that way?
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Ya Know What Reagan Did Not Do |
Wax delusional about some Reaganite of the past. [Or plagiarize, updated below.]
Ronald Reagan did not look back at some successful conservative politician of a by-gone generation as somehow bestowed with a kind of divinely inspired wisdom whose every platitude was gospel and approach to every policy to be followed to the letter.
I don't recommend reading AKMuckraker's account of a recent speech by Sarah Palin, except for the schadenfreude humor content of his running commentary. If you dig too deep into the word salad only the Ninny from Wassily can deliver and actually try to understand what the hell she's talking about, it's clear her message can be boiled down to one thought bubble: Ronald Reagan was right and we need to go back and do everything he told us to do.
Mind you, it should come as no surprise I'm no fan of our 40th President and never was. But I never remember him revolving his entire political philosophy around some previous prince of conservative thought -- let alone completely miss the boat when it came to understanding and applying history's lessons. At least he had the good sense examine the world honestly and try to make it better (as he saw it) without applying a three decade's old doctrine to contemporary problems. The man certainly was an original.
His imitators make themselves look so very small by their constant comparisons -- incapable of original thought.
Between Reagan and the two Bush boys we've had Reaganite conservatism running the Executive Branch for 20 out of the last 28 years, and Clinton only had two years to screw up their right wing paradise until Newt Gingrich took over Congress and stopped any chance of liberal reform dead in it's tracks. So dammit ... where's my perfect supply-side utopia?
Oh, that's right. We're living it ... never mind.
Honestly, go back? Sarah Palin wants us to go back to Reganism? When did we ever leave it? Obama's done a lot in the last 4 months, but a complete roll back of Reaganism will take a bit more time. Do these cookie-cutter conservatives really miss the Cold War so much?
Over grown military budgets ... Check. Out of control deficit spending ... Check. Unrestrained government bloat with a side dish of cronyism, incompetence and bureaucratic stagnation ... Check. Concentration of executive power at the expense of States rights and civil liberties ... Check. Shoot first and never answer any questions later foreign policy ... Check. Hell, Clinton did the right's dirty work on welfare reform.
Go back? Ronnie, we hardly missed you. These were the realities of Reagan's rule, despite his rhetoric to the contrary. Governor Palin, however, in her own unusual lexicon, remembers it differently some how.
Reagan knew that real change and real change requiring shaking thingsShe knows nothing, nothing -- absolutely nothing of what Reagan wrought. I think. You can't be too sure what the hell she means most of the time. One can only conclude she hasn't much of a clue either. Does she really think Reagan was some kind of a deficit hawk? Hell, not even Dick Cheney was so deluded, merely concluding that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." The Bushes piled on more debt to Reagan's record spending. Clinton was the only one since who tried to get a handle on the budget, and left office with a surplus.
up and maybe takin' off the entrenched interest thwarting the will of
the people with their ignoring of our concerns about future peril
caused by selfish short-sighted advocacy for growing government and
digging more debt, and taking away individual and state's rights and
hampering opportunity to responsibly develop our resources, and
coddling those who would seek to harm America and her allies.
Sarah Palin's garbled, often incoherent speech delivered in Anchorage on Wednesday--the one in which she declared "screw political correctness" and wondered why "we have to pussyfoot around our troublesome foes"--was largely lifted from an article written four years ago by Newt Gingrich and Craig Shirley.
Palin apparently also felt that she could "screw" intellectual integrity.
While Palin twice mentioned Gingrich in the speech (she never once acknowledged Shirley), virtually every single reference she made to Reagan was lifted directly from the Gingrich-Shirley article. It's a pure case of unadulterated plagiarism.
Gah! Teh Stoopit! It Buurrrnnnnnsssssss.
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Roeder-Muhammad: The Difference |
Dr. Tiller's suspected murderer, Scott Roeder, is white, Christian,There are obvious differences, and profound similarities. None fairly explain let alone excuse the difference in attention -- which of course adds fodder to the victimization card the Malkinites of the world love to play first and foremost: liberal media bias.
anti-government and anti-abortion. The gunman in the
military-recruitment-center attack, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, is
black, a Muslim convert, anti-military and anti-American. Both crimes
are despicable, cowardly acts of domestic terrorism. But the disparate
treatment of the two brutal cases by the White House and the media is
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GOP: Cornered, Dangerous |
Republicans ignited a firestorm of controversy on Thursday by revealing some of what they had been told at a closed-door Intelligence Committee hearing on the interrogation of terrorism suspects.This from the chest-thumping, flag-pin obsessive, oh-so-patriotic Republicans simply desperate for anything that looks like a win. Their party and their own hides once again trumping any notions of national security or the rule of law, this was at best stupid and at worse, treason.
Cheney said. Yet, this authority would have little use because, thanks to the release of the documents, "the enemy now knows exactly what interrogation methods to train against."Good luck to 'em Dick, since we don't use these any more, and won't and they weren't particularly effective from what we know so far. What Cheney wants exposed are the methods he claims did work. That would be useful information for our enemies.